Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program 20,000 List of Selected Candidates
Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program 20,000 List of Selected Candidates: The Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program (NJFP) is massively shortlisting 20,000 successful lists of candidates for the NJFP/UNDP program

Applicants are advised to constantly observe the Emails, the shortlisting is massively ongoing and it is done in batches, applicants who have got the congratulatory Emails areree to proceed to the next stage
Best performing 20,000 applicants were selected across the 4 categories giving consideration to gender parity national spread. 10,000 male and 10,000 female were selected across 36 states and FCT. Please see below uploaded document with names
Successful candidates will be mandated to sign and agree to the principle guidelines of the program

“We are pleased to inform #NJFP applicants that we are now in the matching stage of the Fellowship. Successful candidates are currently being matched with verified organizations that will host them for the 12-month placement

We are pleased to inform you that we will proceed with the matching stage of the NJFP in the coming week.
In this stage, only successful candidates will be matched with verified organizations that will play host to them for the 12 months placement phase.
Kindly note that this selection and matching process will be done in batches over the next few weeks. As a result, we urge you to continue to wait patiently and try not to panic if another applicant receives their matching details before you do.

Please be on the lookout for more information.
NJFP has once again apologized for the delay witnessed as all is now set to call successful candidates, and the final selection of 20,000 fellows is underway
See the complete Matching list here
CBT screening is ongoing, after which, the final list containing the 20,000 successful candidates will be unveiled to the member of the public, you are to participate in the CBT screening, and you will be sent a link to get access to the code
Kindly pay attention to the following update as per NIGERIA JUBILEE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM
There is NO cost to take the tests
Nigeria Jubille Fellows Program NJFP Computer Based Test (CBT) Practice Questions and answers
NJFP Previous Updates
Thank you so much for bearing with us as our technical teams work hard to complete the selection process. Significant effort is being made to accelerate this phase of the Nigeria Jubilee Fellowship Program.
Over 365,000 registered candidates for the Jubilee fellows Program nationwide were collected
Out of this number of applicants, 116,636 met the minimum qualifications based on the selection criteria.
As you are aware, the fellowship seeks to place 20,000 fellows annually. The process of final selection from the pre-selected is now underway.
Graduates will also gain skills relating to financial services, trade, manufacturing, agriculture, and agro-processing. Mining, telecommunications, creative industries and technology, education, health, research and development, and public sector institutions.
Nigeria Jubilee Fellowship Programme will be highly competitive. A competitive selection process will be used to collect 20,000 graduates
A total of 20,000 graduates will be placed in both private and public sectors across industries and will be paid N920, 000 for a duration of 12 calendar months
The process of final selection from the pre-selected is now underway.
Three main steps are ongoing:
Final Selection of Fellows:
This phase includes administering a series of aptitude tests and other qualitative assessments to further filter applicants
Selection of Host Organizations:
Review and final selection of host organization applicants to be matched with selected Fellows.
Matching Fellows with Host Organizations:
Final matching of the selected fellows to host organizations in both private and public sector institutions.
Following these three steps, communication will be made with successful applicants. Fellow profiles then are developed and sent to prospective host companies for their final review.
This will then lead to the onboarding process into the program. This process will be completed before 15 May 2022.
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