Transition: Names and Phone Numbers of Focal Officers in 36 States and FCT
Please all concerned NPower Volunteers should treat as urgent and important.
On this note, volunteers are kindly requested to give this exercise the attention and seriousness it deserves.
The Federal Government of Nigeria, through the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development has commenced the disengagement of NPower Batch A and B, who have been on the scheme since 2016 and 2018.
The Ministry is also working out plans with CBN, BOI, BOA, on various opportunities that would enable exiting NPower beneficiaries to be self-reliant and have consequently requested interested NPower volunteers, to forward to the focal person their email, addresses, names and phone numbers.
In keeping with the state COVID19 guidelines on public gathering, NPower volunteers are expected to send in their details to States Focal Officers
Please use this format to send your details
Working email address
NPVN phone number
This is to inform the public that the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management, and Social Development is requesting for the information from the exiting NPower Batches A and N-Power Batch B volunteers
Names and Phone Numbers of Focal Officers in 36 States and FCT
Here is the contact information:

Why is Rivers state not included?
Good morning
Delta State is not included? I can’t see Delta State…
Please, where is Delta State?
Theophilus, search, it is there
Nice one. Wish the information is correct and is what we can work with. Thanks a lot.
Why is Anambra state not included?
Why is Delta State focal officer not indicated
What happen to Delta state focal person?
Check very well, its there
Please the kogi state phone number is not valid it comes in 12 digits instead of 11digits please review
Please, what happened to Rivers State focal person’s number? Track it and post for us. Regards. Iroegbu Otah.
we will get back to you on this soon
No Delta state in d list
we will get back to you shortly
Please why is Rivers State Focal person name and number not included here.? I hope nothing is wrong.
We are working on the list, we shall get back to you
Rivers state nko ni. That was how I went and called former focal person and he said he is no longer in office. Please someone should help too I saw a message in my inbox that I was shortlisted but my dashboard is showing has not been deployed. Rivers state
LGA Oyibo
Is it true that formal beneficial of n power a/b should forward their details to n power state office
We have not confirmed such, we will get back to you on this