Salary Structure of U. S Government (President, Vice, Other Officials)
Salary Structure of U. S Government (President, Vice, Other Officials): Have you ever wondered how much the United States pays its president, Vice President, Senators, Reps, Judges, and other prominent members of the U.S government?
Being the most advanced democratic nation, the United States government officials receive decent pay, compared with their counterparts in other western nations
The U. S U. S Government which includes the President, Vice, and Other Officials do not receive only salary, they have allowances and separate expense accounts, including non-taxable travel accounts and entertainment funds
This post basically looked at the salary structure of some U.S government top officials, from the president down to the
Specifically, we will be looking at the salaries of the Vice President Senator, Representative, Majority and Minority Leaders, Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme, and Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, Speaker of the House

Position Salary
Vice President $230,700
Speaker of the House $223,500
Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court $255,500
Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court $244,400
Senator $174,000
Representative $174,000
Majority and Minority Leaders $193,400
1. Plus $50,000 non-taxable expense allowance to assist in defraying expenses relating to or resulting from the discharge of his official duties.
2. Plus $10,000 taxable expense allowance.
3. Ex-presidents are given a pension and office space.
4. They have secret service protection.
5. The first ladies of deceased ex-presidents also receive pensions.
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Salary Structure of U. S Government (President, Vice, Other Officials)