Npower: Law makers Grill Sadiya Umar over Delay in Stipend (Video)
Npower: Law makers Grill Sadiya Umar over Delay in Stipend (Video): “We’ve paid them (Npower beneficiaries) as far as we are concern” – Minister of Humanitarian Affairs”. See
Law makers on Thursday 7th May, 2020, summoned the minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, madam Umar Sadiya Farouq and questioned her of the delay in npower April stipends
The Battered Umar Sadiya lied to have already paid Npower stipends; she concocted verification procedures and verification of documents as the issues pending before payments drop
We have already paid all the npower beneficiaries for the month of March and April, sadiya lied without guilt or remorse. See
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While a handful of volunteers are yet to see their March Stipends, April stipend is already due, yet no news or communication to why the delay lingers. See
It could be recalled, the minister of the minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, warned all volunteers to expect constant delay in payment of stipends, siting verification procedures and protocols (bureaucracy) that must be followed before payment is made
As usual, many volunteers have taken to the official Facebook handle of Npower, pleading and requesting for prompt payment of April’s stipend. But was promised to be rest assured, payment would be made soon
Upon these allegation and accusation, the lawmakers summoned the minister to explain the reasons behind the constant delay
Volunteers recognized the benefit of early payment of stipend as it alleviates sufferings, not just from volunteers but from relatives and loved once connected to volunteers. see
Be serious since b4 u leave the would(umar sadiya)
Comment:For you to permanent npower or not permanent them..Allah is the good assisster and provider..i advise mrs.minister S.U.F,make delay of payment to continue please..there’s a time to give whole account..your grave is waitting for you..Allah is observer and overseeir..this programme is in GOD’S hand not some body else…yes ofcourse.