Join the NPC WHAT’S APP Class Room Training Group
Join the NPC WHAT’S APP Class Room Training Group: The NPC What’s App Training Group is one of the criteria set by the National Population Commission (NPC) to all Adhoc staff of the program
NPC is currently sending massive email notifications to all approved candidates, in this email notification, approved candidates are allocated training centers and venues
NPC wishes to inform all approved and shortlisted candidates to join the What’s App group for fast learning of training, as well as easy dissemination of authentic information
Our What’s App training group promises to be interesting, analytical, and Dearing, we will strictly follow all the live chats and instructions from LGA NPC coordinators nationwide
What’s group is compulsory for any class you belong to or find yourself in during the period of training
If you have been approved, you are to observe your email religiously, preferably morning and night; this will guide you on your training date and time.
Shortlisted candidates for the NPC training are hereby advised to adhere to all the training recruitments, any candidate who fails to turn up for training or join WHAT’S GROUP will be immediately disqualified and replaced
Training is entirely free of charge and no one will demand money from you. Should any NPC officials demand a bribe from you in cash or kind, secrete get his/her name and details and forward them to NPC via these details here
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How to Join the NPC WHAT’S APP Training Group
Use the link below to join the group
Alternatively, you can scan the code below and join

General Notices
Training commences at 8.30 am
Come with Books to take notes and details
Nursing mothers are strictly not allowed
Late coming to the training center is not allowed
Your Android phone is compulsory, get enough data bundles
No food for any trainees during recess