Link to Download NPC Training Venue/Centers 2023| 36 states & FCT
Link to Download NPC Training Venue/Centers 2023| 36 states & FCT: This is to inform all candidates of the National Population Commission (NPC) recruitment 2023 that, training centers and venues for all trainees and trainers are now available nationwide
NPC is pleased to announce to all its candidates that their centers and venues for the training of personnel are now ready, candidates are to trace their training venues and proceed to training centers with immediate effect
Candidates to be trained include functionaries like Facilitators, Enumerators, Supervisors, Field Coordinators, Data Quality Assistants, Specialized workforce, and Data Quality Managers
Only approved and screened candidates will be allowed into the training centers nationwide, if you have not been approved, here is what to do, NPC Recruitment 2023: If You Are Not Shortlisted or Trained, Here is what to Do
NPC has further warned that any approved and screened who fail to attend the compulsory training, will be replaced immediately and such candidates will not be allowed to conduct the 2023 Nigerian populations and housing census, and will not be paid training allowances and other benefits
Depending on the position, the average basic or main salary for each census functionary ranges from N50,000 to N250,000,
The summary of the salary and allowances for NPC ad hoc staff during the 2023 Population and Housing Census is as follows:
Supervisor — N130,000 to N230,000
Enumerator — N100,000 to N220,000
Monitoring and evaluation officer – N150,000 to N300,000.
Facilitators – N150,000 to N300,000
Field coordinator – N140,000 to N280,000
Quality assurance assistants/rovers — N130,000 to N280,000
Training is completely free of charge, report any staff demanding money to the nearest police station, or contact NPC direct hotline Here
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