Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students| Careers Opportunities
Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students| Careers Opportunities: Have you ever thought of a marketable course to study in Nigeria? If yes then this article is all that you need to read today.
The Nigerian job society has become very competitive due to the lack of unemployment and the increasing population of the country.
Most students often wonder about the kind of courses to study at various institutions of higher learning to guarantee them quick job opportunities after graduation.
Parents and relatives try to influence their children to study courses that can give them a white-collar well-paid job after several years of academic pursuit.
But in the Nigeria of today, the course you study in the university or polytechnic might not really guarantee your success in life. Before preparing to get admitted into any tertiary institute of learning you are expected to have done a wide range of research regarding the kind, of course, you wish to study
Most people today regret that they did not have adequate advice or guidance towards choosing the right course to study and they feel they have wasted a good number of years in school without any achievement.
But today I will guide you consciously on the kind of courses to choose as a Nigerian student
In no particular other, here are the top 10 marketable courses in Nigeria;
1. Computer Science
The world today is moving towards improving its technology day in and day out. Computer operators are needed worldwide not just in Nigeria. To study computer Science in any Nigerian higher institution you may need 5 subjects like Mathematics, Physics, English, computer science or Data processing, and other related science subjects. Alongside UTME/JAMB qualification to stand a chance to be admitted.
It takes 4-5 years to study computer science in most Nigerian, some of the high institutions that offer computer science include Mashood Abiola Polytechnic, the University of Lagos (UNILAG), University of Jos (UNIJOS), Benue State University, Abia State University
A student can spend less than $5,000 (Applicable to changes) to study this course in most Nigerian universities.

Importance of Computer Science
1. Marketable Skills: With computer science-related skills, one stands a chance to be chosen among several others
2. Higher Earnings: Good computer knowledge can improve your standard of living with higher earnings to cater to your well-being.
3. Global Opportunities: One can equally work anywhere in the world, is it in industries, firms, or even in the hospital as a Data analyst or cyber technician.
2. Law
We make the law but it is difficult to keep the law. Consistently, there are cases of rape, theft, and land disputes parading our doorsteps.
Lawyers are there to protect the rights and promote the cause of justice to citizens. To study law one to have the following subjects, English language, Literature, Government, and any other related art subjects to bring your dream of becoming a lawyer into reality.
It takes a duration of 5- 6 years to study law in most Nigerian institutes such University of Calabar (UNICAL), the University of Nigeria (NSUKKA), Abia State Polytechnic, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU Zaria).
An estimated cost to study law is over $45, 000 in Nigeria.
3. Medicine and Surgery
The medical attention needed by citizens of this country is relatively high due to malnutrition or lack of hygiene. Medical doctors to make appropriate diagnosis and follow-up of patient’s current health condition.
Currently, many Nigerian Doctors are being recruited outside the country.
To Study medicine and surgery, the following subject requirements are needed Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English Language to stand a chance of getting admission into a university like the University of Jos, University of Maiduguri, University of Lagos, University of Port-Harcourt, Covenant University, and a lot more.
Why Medicine and Surgery is among the Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students
1. Job Opportunity: As a medical doctor, a fast job awaits you immediately after graduation because of the numerous dreadful health conditions of patients who need to be attended to.
2. Disease Outbreak: Doctors alongside laboratory scientists work together to tackle outbreaks of diseases. A good example of the popular Coronavirus is commonly called Covid 19.
4. Banking and Finance
Banking and finance is a marketable course as Banks alongside other financial cooperatives play a vital role in the transmission of monetary policies. Banking and finance is a management science course providing basic knowledge in funds management, insurance as well and broking.
To study banking and finance you need the following subject requirements Mathematics, English language, Accounting, and any other related commercial subject. It can be studied in various institutes of higher learning such as Benue State Polytechnic (BENPOLY), Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic (ATAPOLY), Airforce Institute of Technology (AFIT), Afe Babalola University (AAUA).
Why is Banking and Finance among the Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students?
1. Funds Management: banking and finance provide you with the essential knowledge to confidently manage your finances wisely.
2. International Business Partners: you are equally connected to international potential business partners giving you opportunities to travel a lot.
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5. Nursing
With the increasing level of disease outbreaks, more medical personnel are needed to work in the hospitals as well as clinics. Nurses stand a chance to administer treatment when the need arises in the absence of a doctor. One needs to have a good command of the English language, alongside Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and any other related course to further into any higher institution of learning.
The following institutions offer Nursing the School of Nursing (Mkar), the University of Uyo (UNIUYO), Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), and Benue state Teaching Hospital.
Importance of Nursing
1. Good Earning: Nurses have good earnings which they can use to improve their standard of living despite the challenging economic situation.
2. Health Enlightened: Nurses generally due to consistent handling of health issues have a vast knowledge of health matters.
6. Accounting
This course basically handles the bulk of accumulated records and reports of financial information concerning the overall performance, cash flow, and financial position of a business.
To study this course you need to have the following subject requirements such as English language, Mathematics, Economics, and other related subjects.
Institutions offering accounting include the Federal University of Kashere (FED KASHERE), Usman Danfodio University (UDUS), and Institute of Financial and Cost Accounting (LAGOS).
Why Accounting is among the Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students
1. It helps ensure statutory compliance
2. It ensures statutory compliance
3. Accounting help to track income-expenditure
7. Aviation:
Transportation is another key factor. People travel both in and outside the country daily.
The Ministry of Aviation at the other end trying to ensure the smooth running of all these activities but a high demand of workers is needed to run all of these Operations.
Some subjects needed to study aviation include Mathematics, English, Physics, Geography and other related science subjects to be admitted in any institutes of Aviation such as The Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Sky Aviation Training Center, Oshod, and Lagos.
The estimated cost of Aviation training of about $70,000.
Why Aviation is among the Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students
1. Global Interaction:
It allows you to travel to most countries giving you a chance to become familiar with other geographical areas, most especially the international environment.
2. Earnings: Aviation personnel have good pay.
7. Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural products, are of very much importance to society but are affected by environmental factors like climate conditions thereby reducing crop yield.
Subject’s requirements to study Agriculture include Agricultural Science, Biology, Chemistry, and other related science subjects. It can be studied in agricultural-based institutes such as the Federal University of Agriculture (Makurdi), Akperan Orshi College of Agriculture (YANDEV), and Audu Bako College of Agriculture (kano).
Why Agricultural Sciences is among the Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students
1. Self-Employment: A sound knowledge of agriculture helps you to become self-employed.
2. Source of raw materials: Agricultural products serve as raw materials for most producing companies.
8. Radiology/Radiography
This course is very sensitive in the medical field providing detailed information about structural parts of the body making use of diagnostic imaging, staging, and treatment.
The subject requirement to study this course includes English language, Biology, Physics and chemistry, and other related subjects.
Institutes offering enabling environments to study radiology include Bayero University, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Federal University of Technology, and Owerri (FUTO).
Why Radiography is among the Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students
1. Salary Structure: Radiographers are well being paid
2. Job Opportunity: Due to the limited number of radiographers in the medical field are needed in almost all health institutes.
9. Architecture
The demand for infrastructural facilities for schools, hotels, churches, museums, etc all need architects to supervise all building processes to achieve the best results.
To study architecture some subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Technical Drawing, and other architectural-related subjects to gain admission in institutes of higher learning such as the University of Calabar (UNICAL), Bauchi State University, Caritas University, etc.
Why Architecture is among the Top 10 Marketable Courses for Nigerian Students
1. Architecture is vital in the development of jobs and wealth creation.
2. Providing good and adequate infrastructural building ideas.
10. Medical Laboratory Science
Medical laboratory sciences centers primarily to detect the particular cause of a disease affecting an individual.
To study Laboratory sciences subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and English are essential to a chance of getting admission into higher institutions like the University of Lagos, the University of Jos (UNIJOS), etc.
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Comment: Thank you so much for you effort