Pounds to Naira Today Black Market | GBP to NGN
Pounds to Naira Today Black Market | GBP to NGN: Are you planning to pay your BTA, PTA, Medicals, or buy goods from outside the shore of Nigeria? Or do you want to perform online transactions using the GBP? If your answers are a resounding yes, it is important to understand the current exchange rate.
As we all know, the NGN has been floated, and the forces of demand and supply are now the major determinants of the GBP, so, this page will give you the current black market rate of the GBP to NGN today
This article will use the Aboki fx to tell you the current GBP to NGN today, we will also tell you the CBN rate, or the Nigeria Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market NAFEM, the Import and Export window rate
Why are we using the Aboki fx for the black market rate, this is because, it is the most trusted and reliable black market exchange rate used by millions of Nigerians, both at home and abroad, making it the most reliable platform to check your exchange rate
Pounds to Naira Today Black Market
If you have fx at your disposal and want to trade with it, this is your best exchange rate platform to use, this page will share real-time performance of the black (parallel) market rate regarding the metrics below;
Pound sterling to Naira today parallel market
Pound to Naira bank rate today
Pound Sterling to Naira Today Exchange Rate
Pound to Naira Aboki FX
Pound to Naira today
Pound to Naira black market today
Performance of the Naira from 2014
The naira has steadily depreciated against major currencies over the years, this is due to many factors including import without corresponding export, over-dependence of oil revenues, huge capital flight via PTA, BTA, medical tourism, remittance of companies to their host counties, hoarding other major currencies, etc
From 2014 to 2023, the naira has been performing poorly against the British pound sterling, the US dollar, Euros, and others. The Nigerian naira fluctuates constantly
As we speak, the NGN is trending downward and remains relatively low when looking at the exchange rates for today’s date.
See <strong>Dollar to Naira Black Market Today| Latest Exchange Rate</strong>
Pounds to Naira Today Black Market | GBPto NGN
This page will give you in real-time, the Black Market Exchange Rate of the USD to NGN today, and will be updated daily to meet your current assessment

Selling Rate 1530
Buying Rate 1510
The abokiFX pictures above give us the true reflections of the exchange rate, the Naira trades at N1,510 per £1 at the parallel market
However, the Nigeria Apex Bank does not recognize the black market (parallel market)
Pounds to Naira CBN Exchange Rate
As of today, the exchange rate of pounds to naira black market is different from the CBN exchange rate and other commercial banks. The CBN official exchange rate for Pound sterling equals 953.81 Nigerian Naira as of today
We will keep you updated in real-time as the rates change