Continue to Pay Stipends Until Transition is Ready-Volunteer Twitted Sadiya in Anger
Continue to Pay Stipends till Transition is Ready-Volunteer Twitted Sadiya: In what appeared to be an advice, an exited volunteer of the Npower programm has voiced out to the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development
While others are throwing tantrums at Madam Minister over delayed and non-payment of stipends to few volunteers for over 5 months, Hakuna Matata, 31, advised madam Sadiya to look into the Plight of volunteers, who have no means of livelihood
He prasied the leadership of the HM, Sadiya but pleaded her to continue paying the 30,000 naira stipends till her plans regarding transition is effected
Meanwhile, many unpaid N-Power volunteers have taken to the official facebook and twitter pages of both the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, and The Office of the Accountant General of The Federation, agitating and clamouring for the payment of July Stipend and the 5 months stipends being owed to over 14,000 N-Power volunteers.
All Information posted on the pages were meted with heavy agitations on non-payment of stipends, a sight not be behold, as most N-Power volunteers “threw tantrums and ill-conceived words ” at the ministry.